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Comco Presses For Sale​

1993 Comco Commander 10" Wide (7) Color Press

Unwind, Edge Guide, (7) Flexo print units colors with air dryers, (1)  GEW UV unit, (3) die stations, sheeter station, (2) Lamination towers, waste rewind, (2) Product rewinds, turnbar,  sheeter table

ref 2745171295

2008 Comco C2 26” Wide (10) color press w/ Hot Air drying

KTI Lap Splicer, 40” Comco unwind, Corona Treater, Web Cleaner, (10) Servo Flexo Units w/ Chill drums, Hot Air Drying, Laminator unwind, Heated Drum Lamination w/ Aqueous and UV, KTI rewind, Chiller, Gas fired burner w/ heat exchanger for hot air dryers.

Print repeat of 12” to 36”

ref # 1501235477

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